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Late Fees


Registration Fee:

Registration Fee is a one-time, non-refundable fee per student

(Sibling discounts are offered). Due at the time of registration for classes.


Drop In Class:

All drop in 1 hour classes are $15 per hour and paid at time of class.



Tuition is a yearly fee that may be paid in one of the following options: *Monthly payments , *One annual payment or 2 Semi-Annual Payments. A 10% discount will be applied for annual payments ONLY made by Sept 8th. Semi Annual Payments will receive a discount of 5% if paid by Sept 8th/ Jan 8th.

Tuition is a monthly fee based on an average of 39-40 weeks of classes. Tuition is not adjusted for class absences, holidays or school closings. Monthly payments are due the 1st class day of each month.


Late Fee's:

Tuition payment is considered late after the 8th of the month and a $25 late fee will be applied.

On the 15th of the month and AFTER a withdrawal from classes will take place. After withdrawal has taken place if you wish to continue with BWDA, then you will have to do the registration process over again to include registration fee and past dues payments. If there is no current openings in the class, then your child's name will be placed on a waiting list until a opening becomes available.


Payments accepted:

BWDA accepts cash, credit and PayPal

(CHECKS ARE NOT ACCEPTED). Credit Card and PayPal transactions should be made online. Cash must be brought to the studio and given directly to our receptionists or Jasmine Edney.



I understand that Beyond Words Dance Academy does not issue refunds; however class credit may be added to my account. I understand that any credit given, will automatically be applied towards tuition or open balance.



Students withdrawing from BWDA must provide a 30 day written notice . Notices can be received by email (, or turned into the front desk 30 days prior to the date of withdrawal. All tuition billing and late fees will apply. Annual and Semi annual payments will not be reimbursed.


Private Lesson:

A student may not schedule a private lesson with BWDA until the student has a zero balance. Private lessons with Ms. Jasmine will post to your account and must be paid prior to scheduling another private lesson. Private lessons with all other BWDA Staff or Guest Choreographers must be paid at the time of the Private Lesson and paid directly to the BWDA Staff member or Guest Choreographer. You may be ineligible for future private lessons if you do not pay on time for your private lesson. If a private lesson is scheduled and the student fails to show, without notice, the student will be billed a "No Call No Show Fee" that totals half of the cost of the originally scheduled private lesson. At least 24 hours notice is required for private cancellations. Failure to provide proper cancellation may result in a "Private Cancellation Fee without Proper Notice", at the discretion of the teacher, that totals half of the cost of the originally scheduled private lesson. A student will be ineligible for future privates until all cancellation fee's are paid.

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